Monday, April 6, 2015

The Andot's of '97

Danilo Paglinawan 

a.k.a. Pagli or Danny but he prefers to be called DNY

He loves music and a desperate singer. 

Likes to play guitar and a versatile friend, " rock n roll", in short, he is flexible enough.

The good thing about this man, he is 101 percent dedicated to his family.

I salute you dotiness!

Last update: Teradyne employee

Eleudie Abarca

Sorry his name just corrected it should be "Eleody"  He just found out the current spelling of his name during graduation time. 

My closest friend among our friends. The most kind, understanding standing man I've ever met. 

Although we don't have the same religion, but it doesn't matter, for as long as we don't bother to argue with our faith.

Last known: Welder instructor in Ormoc City

Eduardo Yamomo

The most successful career man of our circle of friends. What I love about his achievement in life, he starts from scratch.

Yes, I agree although if there's pros the cons are there as well. All of us have a hard time reaching this guy, from his cellphone to his facebook account.

Jao (as we used to call him) if you happen to read this blog hope you give us sometime to mingle with you our long lost friend. We truly miss you!

Last update: Lexmark Systems Analyst

Tiburcio Lopez

You can call him Tibu or Lopez but don't you dare yell his full name, it's irritating, don't you think? bwhahah kidding!

The most funny, easy to deal with kind of person. Loves to make fun even to the corniest joke!

If you happen to bump him, don't you worry guys, he is the most cool person in this universe. I just wonder, why he prefers to be single this days? Maybe it's the outcome of being polite? or what???

Miss you Pislong!

Last update: Manager at Flamingo

Michel Gomez

It's not "Mitchell" guys, you have to pronounce that as "Michael", he insisted every time we call him "Mitchell". 

Anyways, he is wise in terms of programming. Analyzing, calculating are his plus factor. No wonder, his kids were as smart as him. 

Sometimes, it's hard for him to be humble instead, he came up to be boastful with his abilities. Just came to realize lately, that's just prove that he is different from the group. 

A loyal employee and hopefully loyal to his family too!

Last update: Negros Navigation - Officer 

Ariel Mosot

Leader of the Band, especially the Gabas thingy!

When I first saw this guy, I dunno what to day, it's hard to explain, an irritating man, a noisy man or even the craziest man alive!

Until, we became closed friend because of his Andot foundation, bwhaahah! and the rest was history.

Last update: Southern Leyte, Philippines

Manolito Alcantara

I consider him as a brother, my younger brother.

He is the most sickly, most slow eater in the group.

Although, he graduted late but still our connection was there. In fact, every February we went to their house to celebrate fiesta with his family.

Married to a skinny wife and more than 5 years now they don't have siblings yet.

Last update: Driver - Mactan Island, Cebu

The Author:

Mik Oyalev
Blogger, Freelancer & Virtual Assistant
Loves to write in his free time, wants to share his blessings to his fellowmen and a God fearing individual. 
Father of two kids and a proud member of Andot '97
His passion includes: bonsai making, swimming & blogging 

* all images were grabbed from my friends fb account, no cats were harmed in the making of  this article. 


Related Posts: The Dotiness Angels and Complete Set of Andots

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